Overdue items

Goldfields Libraries does not charge fines for overdue items. Eligible items will be automatically renewed (to a limit), giving you more time to enjoy them. If an item does become overdue, we’ll send you a friendly reminder. If an item becomes lost or damaged, you’ll need to pay a replacement cost before you can borrow again.

Lost ItemsReplacement cost 
plus $6.00 administration and processing

Replacement Cards


Printing & Photocopying

Includes double-sided printing.

Black & White A4$0.20 per page
Black & White A3$0.40 per page
Colour A4$0.50 per page
Colour A3$1.00 per page

Inter-library Loans

Please visit our Inter-library loans page for details.

Bendigo Library Room Hire

Please visit our Room Hire page for details.