Welcoming and inclusive spaces are a key priority for Goldfields Libraries. We have been working with multiple partners, including Loddon Campaspe Multicultural Services, to make our libraries more inclusive and responsive to the needs of multicultural groups in the community.

Inclusive Multicultural Libraries Project (IMLP)

Working with the City of Greater Bendigo and Loddon Campaspe Multicultural Services, we developed a series of short videos aimed at introducing multicultural communities to the services and supports available to them through their local library (above). This video is available in Chinese Mandarin, Dari, Ghanian, Hindi, Karen, and Spanish.

The Inclusive Multicultural Library Project (IMLP) is part of the Bendigo Cultural Inclusion Project (BCIP), funded by the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) in partnership with the City of Greater Bendigo and the Goldfields Library Corporation. Image: AJ Taylor Images.

A group of smiling multicultural people sit on the grass outside Bendigo Library

Cultural Diversity Week

Cultural Diversity Week celebrates cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia home – from the traditional owners to those who have come from many countries around the world. Come along and join in some of the fantastic activities we have planned!

Tow women hosting multicultural Storytime online

Multicultural Storytimes

Join librarian Ange and friends from Loddon Campaspe Multicultural Services for special multilingual Storytimes. Includes KarenSpanishIndonesianTagalogMandarinThaiBurmese, Japanese and Korean.

Multicultural Experiences

Multicultural Fiction