Woman borrowing books.

Starting Friday 1 November, we’re introducing automatic loan renewals. This means eligible borrowed items will be automatically renewed, giving you more time to enjoy them – no manual renewal needed.

A loan renewal extends the borrowing period for items, so you can keep them longer without the hassle of rechecking them out.

Auto renewals will occur unless

  • someone else has reserved them.
  • you’ve reached your renewal limit.
  • you have replacement fees on your account.

Auto renewal limits and loan periods

ItemLoan periodRenewals (unless reserved)
Books3 weeksup to 5
Audiobooks3 weeksup to 5
eBooks and eAudiobooks2 weeksup to 5
DVDs1 weekup to 5
Magazines1 week1
eMagazines2 weeks (BorrowBox)
1 week (Libby)
Book Club sets6 weeks1
Sustainable House Kits2 weeks1
Heathcote Sports Equipment3 weeks0
Read Now titles2 weeks0
Inter-library loans4 weeks0

Will I get notifications if an item is renewed?

If your item is automatically renewed, you won’t be notified.

If your item cannot be renewed and becomes overdue, we’ll notify you seven working days after the due date. Normal overdue notices will then follow.  

What’s the best way to stay on top of my loans?

Turn on email notifications. We strongly recommend you enable email notifications for your library account. This way, you can recieve detailed information about your loans, including images and links back to our catalogue. Please get in touch if you would like to enable email notifications.

Download our app! You can also download the Spydus Library app which gives you access to the library catalogue and your account. You can browse, borrow and renew items, and see if reservations are available to collect. This app also stores your library card! 

Download the Spydus app on Google Play or iTunes here.

Library Elf. This service is no longer supported by Goldfields Libraries, but is available for free here.