Tricia Currie and Mark Hands holding a copy of the CARE Partnership agreement.

Goldfields Libraries joins the CARE Partnership

Goldfields Libraries is delighted to join the Loddon Mallee Collective Action for Respect and Equality (CARE) partnership.

CARE was established in 2020 by Women’s Health Loddon Mallee (WHLM) to empower and support organisations in their efforts to prevent violence against women. As an active member, Goldfields Libraries will join forces with other stakeholders, including local government agencies, health services, community organisations, and advocacy groups, to take action to prevent gender-based violence and enhance the health, safety, and resilience of our community.

Goldfields Libraries CEO, Mark Hands, proudly signed the CARE Partnership Statement of Commitment on behalf of the organisation, recognising that collaborative efforts are key, and each of us has a role to play in preventing family and gender-based violence.

“We understand how important it is to work together on complex issues like this,”

explains Mr Hands. “By working with other local organisations, we can make real progress in our shared goals of raising awareness and educating the community about gender equality and family violence.”

Inclusion in the partnership will also give library staff access to learning resources and training opportunities, helping them to create a workplace and community space that promotes social justice, gender equality and respect for all women.

Last year, Bendigo Library played home to the ‘Elephant in the Room’ statue leading up to the 16 Days of Activism. The large, fibreglass installation was designed to encourage people to talk about family violence (AKA the elephant in the room), and was complemented by visits by WHLM, the Centre for Non-Violence, the Centre Against Sexual Assault and The Orange Door.

“It was a great step in the right direction for us, and we’re excited to do more to help create a safer community.” Says Mark.

Click here to read the statement.

To read more about the CARE Partnership, visit the WHLM website: