1000 Books Before School goodies pack. Including a canvas bag, 1000BBS reading log, picture book and activity pack.

Make your home a reading home and read 1000 books before school!

Goldfields Libraries is excited to relaunch the highly successful 1000 Books Before School program!

Children up to five years are invited to join the refreshed program, which encourages parents and carers to read with their youngsters, helping to develop a love of reading, language and story before they start school.

“Enjoying books together is the key. As you read, your child will not only learn to love reading but also learn valuable listening, language, social, emotional and motor skills as they watch and copy you. These vital skill help set them up for success at school and beyond, and happen all while having fun.” says Tammy Higgs, Goldfields Libraries’ Programs and Events Coordinator.

Participation is free, and upon sign-up, children will receive their first 1-100 record sheet. Once they’ve read their first 100 books, they’ll receive a newly designed reading record booklet, canvas library bag and a merit patch to stick onto their bag.

“At each 100-book milestone, come into the library and collect a new patch for your library bag and some stickers to check off your booklet. Once you reach 500, you’ll also receive a goodie bag to acknowledge being halfway there. At 1000 books, it’s time to celebrate! Come in and collect a certificate, a free picture book gift, and then take a photo in our special 1000 Books selfie frame!

Reading 1000 books might seem like a lot, but when built into a child’s routine, it can become a fun and rewarding way to spend time together.

“It’s easier than you think, especially if you build it into your daily routine. Most picture books only take about five minutes to read, so if you read three books each day, you’ll reach your goal in less than a year,” says Ms Higgs.

The same story can be read multiple times, and stories heard during storytime sessions count too. Reading eBooks or listening to audiobooks also count. Visit the Goldfields Libraries eLibrary for access to StoryBox Library, LOTE4Kids and other online story books.

Participation is free, and registrations can be done through your local Goldfields Libraries branch, or online.

For more information, visit ncgrl.vic.gov.au/1000books

The refreshed program was made available with support from Bendigo’s Communities for Children, and continues on from the success of Public Libraries Victoria program.