little girl standing in front of a StoryWalk board.

Heathcote StoryWalk® – promoting active living, literacy and community fun

Goldfields Libraries have partnered with Healthy Loddon Campaspe and the City of Greater Bendigo to deliver the internationally recognised StoryWalk® program in Heathcote.

StoryWalks are a fun and educational activity that places a children’s story (literally a book taken apart!) along a popular walking route in the community. They are a physical activity and a literary experience in one.

Being active is good for our bodies, and reading is good for our brains. The combination of both is a great all-round activity for our health and wellbeing!

The Heathcote StoryWalk® is being launched on Tuesday 28th March. This literary journey starts at Heathcote Play Space and leads walkers around Barrack Reserve. 

Proceedings will commence at 9.30am at Barrack Reserve, 126 High St Heathcote, and will include a guided StoryWalk® by favourite library Storytime presenter, Ange Graystone and Goldfields Libraries CEO Mark Hands. Everyone is welcome to join.

“We’re excited to launch this unique reading experience in Heathcote. The project has created an opportunity to combine literacy and physical activity and plays an important role in the overall health and wellbeing of our community” says Mr Hands.

The StoryWalk® project was created by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT and developed in collaboration with the Kellogg-Hubbard Library. StoryWalk® is a registered service mark owned by Ms Ferguson. 

Goldfields Libraries would like to thank the Healthy Loddon Campaspe and the City of Greater Bendigo for co-delivering this fantastic, healthy literary experience for members of the Heathcote Community. 

The StoryWalk® Launch and event activities are made possible thanks to VicHealth, Healthy Loddon Campaspe, City of Greater Bendigo and Goldfields Libraries.